Labels:bulletin board | chat room | reckoner | sky | window OCR: Additional notes The arrow keys can be used to move the Kana cursor when the keystroke conver sion box (on the extreme right side) empty Shift: lef arrow and Shift right arrow emulate dragging the mouse across Kana, so car be used to select arange of Kana Deleting or inser ting Kana will cause Kanji to shift appropriately. However the first Kana of Kanji's furigana reading is deleted it will also delete the Kanji beneath it Selecting range of Kana and then typing will automatically delete the highlighted Kana and begin inser ting the new Kana input The furigana bar can be dragged to expand Kanji reading Kanji can be relocated by dragging therm to any valid new position (you cannot a Kanji to position occupied by another Kanji's furigana or to Kana which make invalid Kanji readings ie small ...